All the 2007 Roundups
Presto Pasta Night #1
Presto Pasta Night #2
Presto Pasta Night #3
Presto Pasta Night #4
Presto Pasta Night #5
Presto Pasta Night #26 - the big 6 month bash
Don't forget to join in the fun yourself. The rules are simple....
1. Post a pasta recipe on your site. By pasta, I mean any noodle dish - hot, cold, spicy, creamy, saucy, stuffed, from any and every culture - Pad Thai, Singapore Noodles, Macaroni & Cheese, Pasta salads...the possibilities are endless!
2. Mention Presto Pasta Nights in the post and add a link back here.
3. Email me the link to your post at ruthAT4everykitchenDOTcom
I'll be posting entries every Friday, so you'll have some great new recipes for the weekend.
Don't worry if you don't have your own blog, you can email your recipe directly to me at ruthAT4everykitchenDOTcom and I'll post it for you.
If you're interested, please join the Presto Pasta Night Gang on My Facebook and let's see where the fun takes us all.
Related links: Food and Drink easy cooking pasta Food Blogging Event Presto Pasta Night
Hi ruth. I've added a recipe again just in case you don't get the email!!!
I found you through Sher's site. I must confess that I've been avoiding coming over here because pasta is on my Verboten list too. But I'm glad I came over, you've got a great list of dishes here and I'm happy to see that it's growing.
I'll fall off the wagon just this once and send you my entry soon.
pasta lover as i am, i'm still drooling over these photos! i think i am joining you guys in the next round!
I must've messed up my entry...I thought i did it right? OH well, there's always next week!!
Hi Ruth,
My entry is on its way!! hope I'm not too late:)
I've been visiting your site since the 5th week. I am happy to see that it is going strong. I love pasta and there are many dishes I have made and there are many, many more that I want to make for my family.
Thank You to everyone that contributes all of the fabulous pasta recipes. :)
I'm a pathetic blogger...I haven't checked here in a while to thank all of you for dropping by and for sharing your own pasta recipes.
I couldn't do it without you. Glad you like it.
Hi Ruth - just want to double check: must one need to create a recipe on my own? Can I use an existing recipe for your PPN?
Windy, thanks for checking PPN and wanting to join in the fun. While I expect that people create their own dish...the reality is many of them are slight variations on a classic...like lasagna or marinara. That said with so many dishes already there for us to try from, I suggest you at least take a recipe, give it a twist of your own and add a link to the original or the particular roundup.
Or did I just confuse things?
No, you haven't confused me. That's exactly I want to know. Thanks! :)
Hi Ruth...have been contemplating posting a recipe for so long, and have finally done it! Hope you've received it.In case you haven't, the link is below...
Love yr blog;it's great fun being there!
Cheers for now!
I love pasta, too. I've just started food blogging, so I'll share my pasta and noodle recipes here.
What a fabulous idea and now, I can look through all that gorgeous pasta for inspiration. Perhaps, I'll be able to enter a few of my own as well. :)
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