Friday, January 4, 2008

Presto Pasta Night Roundups - 2008

Presto Pasta Nights has come a long way since it first made its appearance back in March, 2007. Nowhere else will you find so many fantastic pasta dishes in one place. Breakfast, lunch & dinner; hot & cold; spicy & sweet; appetizers to mains to desserts...check them out.

Presto Pasta Night #94
Hosted by C of Foodie Tots

Presto Pasta Night #93
Hosted by Marye of Baking Delights

Presto Pasta Night #92

Presto Pasta Night #91
Hosted by Daphne of More Than Words

Presto Pasta Night #90
Hosted by Nilmandra of Soy & Pepper

Presto Pasta Night #89
(temporary home) - if your entry is missing, email me - ruth (at) 4everykitchen (dot) com

Presto Pasta Night #88

Presto Pasta Night #87
(temporary home) - if your entry is missing, email me - ruth (at) 4everykitchen (dot) com

Presto Pasta Night #86

Presto Pasta Night #85
Hosted by Judith of Think On It

Presto Pasta Night #84

Presto Pasta Night #83
Hosted by Ulrike of Kuchenlatein

Presto Pasta Night #82

Presto Pasta Night #81
Hosted by Psychgrad of Equal Opportunity Kitchen

Presto Pasta Night #80

Presto Pasta Night #79
Hosted by Abby of Eat the Right Stuff

Presto Pasta Night #78

Presto Pasta Night #77
Hosted by Kitchenetta of Got No Milk

Presto Pasta Night #76

Presto Pasta Night #75
Hosted by Michelle, the Greedy Gourmet

Presto Pasta Night #74

Presto Pasta Night #73
Hosted by Katie of Thyme for Cooking

Presto Pasta Night #72

Presto Past Night #71
Hosted by Gay, A Scientist in the Kitchen

Presto Pasta Night #70

Presto Pasta NIght #69
This week's guest host Hillary at Chew On That

Presto Pasta Night #68

Presto Pasta Night #67
This week's guest host Kevin at Closet Cooking

Presto Pasta Night #66

Presto Pasta Night #65

Presto Pasta Night #64

Presto Pasta Night #63

Presto Pasta Night #62

Presto Pasta Night #61

Presto Pasta Night #60

Presto Pasta Night #59

Presto Pasta Night #58

Presto Pasta Night #57

Presto Pasta Night #56

Presto Pasta Night #55

Presto Pasta Night #54

Presto Pasta Night #53

2008 started out great, with a fun logo and awesome dishes.

Presto Pasta Night #51

Presto Pasta Night #50

Presto Pasta Night #49

Presto Pasta Night #48

Presto Pasta Night #47

Presto Pasta Night #46

Presto Pasta Night #45

Presto Pasta Night #44

Big Birthday Bash

2007 gazillion choices

Don't forget to join in the fun yourself. It's simple....

1. Post a pasta recipe on your site. By pasta, I mean any noodle dish - hot, cold, spicy, creamy, saucy, stuffed, from any and every culture - Pad Thai, Singapore Noodles, Macaroni & Cheese, Pasta salads...the possibilities are endless!

2. Mention Presto Pasta Nights in the post and add a link back here.

3. Email the link to your post to this week's host with the following information:
The name you want to go by, publicly; your blog name; name of the dish.

Check here to see who's hosting in the next few weeks.

Entries will be posted every Friday, so you'll have some great new recipes for the weekend. Please make sure your entries are in by Thursday evening.

Don't worry if you don't have your own blog, you can email your recipe directly to me at and I'll post it for you.

If you're interested, please join the Presto Pasta Night Gang on My Facebook and let's see where the fun takes us all this year!

And if you'd like to be a Presto Pasta Night Host yourself, check out the details and email me directly at


Ivy said...

Hi, This is my first time participating and it is a great event. I have also e-mailed you and I am sending you the link for Presto Pasta Nights

Núria said...

Hi Ruth! Would love to participate and just made a seafood noodles dish... I'm sending it over :D

You've got a great blog!!!! I'm adding it to my favourites!

Pauline said...

I love this idea and wish I wasn't so late in the game. Just submitted something and will continue to do so. Rock on.

Ruth Daniels said...

Ivy great dish...keep them coming!

Nuria...thanks and back at 'cha.

Pauline...better late than never. Hope to see all of you often.

Anonymous said...

This seafood noodles dish looks so beautiful with the colors, I'm sure it'll be a big hit with the kids! Nice colors! Although I'm to a big fan of seafood noodles dish, this sure looks yummy! I'm normally the one that will say no to seafood noodles dish.

Andy said...

OMG! so many different types of cooking pasta... bring more on!