There are many things I love about the internet...I mean where else can you find the answer to your question in a matter of seconds....or a recipe...and don't even get me started on all the friends I've made through Blogging. Well...
DO get me started, because that's the reason for this post.....
Over the years I've served many a Norene Gilletz dish and I can't imagine a Jewish holiday(through
Second Helpings Please!
and The Yellow Food Processor Cookbook apparently out of print but replaced by
The Food Processor Bible
) that she hasn't graced our table. A while ago, because the internet is an awesome place we became friends. I even did an
interview with her and got a chance to
review her latest cookbook
Norene's Healthy Kitchen
So I was honored when
she wrote about me in her column for
Canadian Jewish News. Thanks Norene! And don't forget to check out
her website for great recipes and so much more.
Kudos to you Ruth! Norene Gilletz's cookbooks have been staples in my and my mother's kitchen for as long as I can remember. When my mom handed my own copy of Second Helpings Please, she said, "take good care of this cookbook, you'll use it for the rest of your life".
Second Helpings is definitely a must-have in any Jewish kitchen. When I die, they'll probably write on my tombstone "Here she lies because of too many second helpings!"
Everyone has their own favorite, using Second Helpings for family favorites like mom alwasys made, to using MealLeaniYumm (now called Healthy Helpings) and my new book Norene's Healthy Kitchen for lighter, healthier "weighs" to cook. And of course, people love my processor book.
Keep on cooking - and stop by my website to say "hi" -
Norene Gilletz
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