Friday, May 13, 2011

Finally - Presto Pasta Night #213 Worth the Wait!

My apologies for both the double posting and the time it took to get this week's Presto Pasta Night Roundup to you... we'll just blame Friday the 13th as the culprit and be glad the delay is over and done! A special thanks to Jacqueline of Tinned Tomatoes for her absolutely marvelous job of hosting, in spite of everything. But enough whining.... let's just dig in!!!

And thanks everyone for brilliant dishes. I can't wait to give each one a try.

Next week, our most excellent host will be Cassie, the Kitchen Alchemist. So put on your pasta thinking caps and send your entries to cassiecosmic(at)gmail (dot)com and cc ruth (at) 4everykitchen (dot) com by Thursday.

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