Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pasta Tribute to Babies of All Ages

After spending time with the cutest little boy, who's just seven days old today, I couldn't resist the notion of doing up a pasta with everything shrimp, tiny Spring peas (frozen of course) and mini farfalle. The creamy goat cheese and lemony sauce was for the baby in all of us. Afterall, who couldn't use a food cuddle?

Pasta Tribute to Babies with Shrimp & Peas

And don't forget to send me your pasta dishes for this week's Presto Pasta Night Roundup - #92! Just email the to ruth (at) 4everykitchen (dot) com and check back for the roundup on Friday.


Mary Bergfeld said...

Too, too cute - I think he's going to be a thinker! He seems very alert. I almost forgot - your "mini" pasta looks terrific. You're one clever gal.

Anonymous said...

how apt this pasta dish turned out to be... and he is really lovely... i don't think i'll make it to the presto pasta night this week, maybe the next... :)

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Thanks for the food cuddle Ruth. We all need to return to the child in each of us especially with the wonders of Christmas looming:D

Anonymous said...

He is sooo cute, and what a great pasta idea. I love it. Enjoy him (and his big brother, too!)

Goody said...

Awwwww, too cute.

Gosh, the baby stage goes too quickly -one day you can carry them in the crook of your arm and the next, well...they're eating a bowl of pasta.

Anyway, mazel tov again, and the pasta looks lovely too.

Ruth Daniels said...

Thanks all and Mikky, we'll all be waiting for your next PPN entry ;-)

pam said...

Oh my goodness, he is just too cute!