Actually three hit my email last Friday, just missing out on last week’s roundup. I'm glad I'm not the only one excited about sharing pasta recipes.
Brooke of Victuals & Libations with a very tempting looking Pasta with Chicken Scampi.

Ben at What’s Cooking knows how perfect pasta is as a foil for leftovers. Check out his Multi colored Pasta

Kittie of Kittens in the Kitchen, couldn't wait with this one and I'm so glad she sent it in. How beautiful is this Orange & Gingery Soba Noodles with runner beans & carrots...I'm drooling!

And as promised at the top of the post, Kitchenetta of Got No Milk must be psychic because I have 3 green tomatoes that I wanted to do something special with and look at this awesome Italian Chicken Sausage with Corn and Green Tomatoes.

She also made this wonderful looking Soba Noodle dish with Chicken that I had to share as well.

Poonam' Cooking Adventures has the perfect solution for all those ripe tomatoes that are finally everywhere....Pasta with Fresh Tomato Cream Sauce. So if you're like me and can't grow your own, head out to the market and pick some up.

Gilli of So So Simple Food made a warm wintry dish (it is winter Down Under and coming too soon for my liking up here) and her Spaghetti with Meatballs is perfect. Actually, it's perfect for the cold rainy weather we've had for the last couple of days here where it's supposed to be summer. Oh, and check out her really awesome looking Tuna Cappaccio while you're at it. Not pasta, but definitely a keeper!
Apu of Annarasa Essence of Food, is lucky enough to have her own garden, but even those of us who don't can find some fresh yellow beans for this innovative Bean & Walnut Macaroni.

Dharm, the wonderful Dad, Baker & Chef came up with this melodic dish...Citrus Chicken and Oats Symphony in D Major...what can I say that the title doesn't say for itself.

Judith of Think on It shares a brilliant Pasta alla Norciera made with sausages and Porcini favorite type of cold weather meal.

Katie of Thyme for Cooking is packing and trying to use only what's in her larder. She managed to come up with this dish with very few purchases...Warm Green Bean and Chevre Pasta. Perfect!

Shannon of Simply Cooking prepared this lovely Tortellini Salad with Pesto...which is just right for a hot summer night or a lovely brunch.

Christine of Kits Chow hasn't been around Presto Pasta Nights for a while...South Beach Dieting. I'll be heading back to phase one myself in the next week or so, and avoiding pasta for a bit. That said, here's her awesome party dish...not much work for the hostess and lots of fun for the guests...Cold Noodles.

Pyschgrad of Equal Opportunity Kitchen has another great post and shares a plate of Penne Carbonara...what could be more comforting. She's going to be hosting PPN next month, I can't wait.

Pam of Sidewalk Shoes loves Fine Cooking Magazine...who wouldn't! This Pasta with Grilled chicken and Fresh Herbs looks particularly tempting.

Mochachocolata Rita is back with I think one of her best pasta dishes yet! Just look at this glorious Chicken & Mussel Fusili with Spicy Chili Bean Sauce.
Ning of Heart & Hearth has a wonderful cure for my rainy weather...Prawn Misua. Now all I have to do is brave the weather and buy some of the misua noodles.

Ulrike of Kuchenlatein - or rather her awesome son, created this Chicken Carbonara. I'm not sure who's luckier...the mother with such a talented son, or the rest who get to eat the meal!

Daphne of More Than Words is doing some recipe testing and graciously shares not one but two fantastic looking dishes...Miso Ramen & Korean Jap Chae (in that order)
Marye of Baking Delights shares a perfect pasta for those veggies "on the edge" as she calls them. Check out her Spaghetti with Garden Marinara.

Sherra of Our Taste of Life made a wonderful looking spicy Pasta with Sardines....too bad my Honey doesn't like bony fish...guess I'll have to wait for him to be on a business trip.
And finally, my dish...creamy Goat Cheese & Herb Pasta, for those days when you have no energy what so ever.
I found another simple dish from one of my favorite chef's Mark Bittman. This one with lavender and shredded zucchini & carrots. He has some very interesting things to say about lavender in the video.
Next week's fabulous guest host will be Abby of Eat the Right Stuff. You can email your entries to her directly - abby AT eattherightstuff DOT com .
Plus...Don't forget to check all the Presto Pasta Night Roundups dating back to March, 2007, see who's hosting for the next four weeks and check out guidelines and tips for entering and hosting.
If you have any ideas for a topic for Presto Pasta Night, let me know. And, if you're a Facebook member, please visit the Presto Pasta Gang on Facebook.
A very big thank you to all of you for playing along and visiting every week!!! I can always count on you to make it special.
Don't forget to join in the fun yourself. It's simple....
1. Post a pasta recipe on your site. By pasta, I mean any noodle dish - hot, cold, spicy, creamy, saucy, stuffed, from any and every culture - Pad Thai, Singapore Noodles, Macaroni & Cheese, Pasta salads...the possibilities are endless!
2. Mention Presto Pasta Nights in the post and add a link back here.
3. Email the link to your post to this week's host with the following information:
The name you want to go by, publicly; your blog name; name of the dish.
Check here to see who's hosting in the next few weeks.
Entries will be posted every Friday, so you'll have some great new recipes for the weekend. Please make sure your entries are in by Thursday evening.
Don't worry if you don't have your own blog, you can email your recipe directly to me at and I'll post it for you.
If you're interested, please join the Presto Pasta Night Gang on My Facebook and let's see where the fun takes us all this year!
And if you'd like to be a Presto Pasta Night Host yourself, check out the details and email me directly at
Another great round up with fantastic ideas! Thanks Ruth!
Wow, another week with so delicious looking pasta dishes. Thanks for putting it toghether.
Ulrike from Küchenlatein
I just finished eating lunch before I checked out this edition. Is it possible I can be hungry all over again? Thank you for not one but two entries, and another great edition. I heart PPN!!!
Thanks ladies, I couldn't do it without you and your delicious dishes week after week. Of course my waistline is not as happy...trying to fit into my clothes.
Oh well!
South Beach here I come, bit that is sooo tempting.
Great round-up! So many goodies, so little time. . .
Great stuff, have to try it. I found using the Pasta n' More saves me so much time in the kitchen. I found it at
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