Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Promised Break Fast Menu...or a Perfect Brunch

Well, the house is tidy, the dishes washed and put away and very few leftovers are in the fridge. You'd never know we had a great feast here last night. Normally when there's a holiday dinner there is some amount of chaos. I'm usually so busy in the kitchen, preparing platters of food to hit the table that photos are few and usually too pathetic to share. And the breaking of the Yom Kippur fast is even more frenzied. After all, many have really kept the fast from sundown to sundown and they're more than ready to be fed.

So no pictures of the party...(no photo of the banana smeared face - forehead included -of Boaz eating by himself), no photo of the soup which was delicious, or the salmon and the two different mayos...but, fortunately I did get some photos of the things I made in advance and without any more babbling, here's the menu which would make a great Brunch too because most of it can be made 1 -2 days ahead.

Asiago Muffins

Jalapeno Cornbread( just picture it made in an 8"x8" pan & cut into squares)

Rye bread (store bought and not nearly as good as from Montreal or Toronto, oh well)

Platter of cheese - Dragon's Breath Blue Cheese (that doesn't look like any blue cheese I've ever seen, but tasted divine), Brie, Manchego and Leicester

Roasted Salmon with Chipotle Rub served with Chipotle Mayo or Olive Tapenade Mayo (without the asparagus, just garnished with lemon wedges)

Endives stuffed with Ginger Carrot Dip

Sliced Tomatoes with Marinated Feta Cheese

We were 9 but the table was extended as far as we coud make it to accomodate all the dishes. Too bad I didn't get to take a table shot...oh well...perhaps next year.

Related links:


Anonymous said...

Wow! All that for 9 people! I guess everyone was pretty hungry :) I wish I was there! My break fast was not nearly as indulgent!

Ruth Daniels said...

Hillary, I guess everyone was hungry, because there was very little left fruit salad, 1/4 of the apple cake, 2 servings of salmon, chickpea salad and some kugel, which frankly didn't turn out as well as usual. I guess I have to get used to different ingredients and check the heat of the oven.

All the best for the New Year.