Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Even More Connectivity

Just a short post...more about food blogging connectivity. Joining events like Sugar High Friday -it was my first foray, Weekend Herb Blogging - one of my consistent favorites, Weekend Cookbook Challenge - my other constant, and of course Presto Pasta Nights has opened my home to so many new friends from around the globe. There are so many foodie events these days, it's hard to keep up with them all. You can check out a partial list over at Sticky Dates. So if I've missed your event, leave me a comment and I know I'll be there for the next one you host.

Which brings me to another great idea started by The Leftover Queen. It's the Foodblog Roll and it's a terrific way to instantly find new friends. I love it. You can join the list too.

So many ways to expand your point of view - about food, about people, about places. There's nothing quite like the world of blogging - especially FOOD blogging.

And for those of you reading this, if you are going to Blogher07 in Chicago, leave me a comment. Hopefully we can connect.

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