First up this week, is Paula of PanzerKitchen. Somehow her entry got lost in email ether, but finally made its way to us...and well worth the wait too. Sweet Noodle Kugel that takes me back to my childhood.

Moriah of Where I'm Cooking From shares some fantastic Turkey Meatballs that really appeal to me right now and it's only 9AM as I write.

As you know from last week, crab is my new fave pasta so a special thanks to Cassandra of 202 Tasks in 1001 Days for her Light Pasta & Crab dish.

Ferdzy of Seasonal Ontario Foods is back with a glorious Eggy, Herb Pasta that has me drooling.

Abby of Eat the Right Stuff certainly is tonight (eating the right stuff, that is). Check out this Penne with Artichokes, Peppers & Basil Oil.

Holler of Tinned Tomatoes is back with Griddled Vegetables & Penne. Another great use for my new Griddler!

Pam of Sidwalk Shoes puts a different spin on another of my favorite pastas...(I seem to say that about every type of pasta ;D)..Vermicelli Puttanesca. Doesn't it look lovely?

Kitchenetta of Got No Milk came up with this fantastic dish - Lightly Crisped Gnocchi with Edamame. Check it out.

Katie of Thyme for Cooking with all the chaos around her still managed to share a great dish with us...Pasta with Peanut Sauce. Doesn't it make your mouth water?

Marye of Baking Delights offers even carnivores a treat with this Vegan Penne Portabello...just don't tell them it's not meat ;0!

Alisha of Cook.Craft.Enjoy had a crazy week but still could whip up this Crunchy Noodle Salad for us.

Julie of The Persnickety Palate recently had the cutest little boy, so dinners really do have to be simple. That doesn't mean boring though. Check out this awesome looking Angel Hair Pasta with Mascarpone Tomato Sauce.

Sher of What Did You Eat? is one lucky lady. She has her own cherry trees and a dehydrator. Look at this wonderful looking Confetti Couscous with Dried Cherries & Pistachios.

Ben at What's Cooking recently started sharing his tasty pastas with us and this week's Homemade Spicy Ravioli in Green Beer Sauce is really interesting.

Foodietots is back with a lovely looking Herb Pesto Pasta that was rejected by the toddler, but then...he's just into cheerios.

Nilmandra of Soy and Pepper shares a Chicken & Chorizo Pasta that's a perfect combo.

Katerina of Daily Unadventures in Cooking came up with this Whole Wheat & Tofu Pasta with just what was in the fridge. I do love those!

And finally, it's my turn...with my personal new best friend...Spicy Crab Spaghetti

Don't forget to join in the Presto Pasta Night experience and please visit the Presto Pasta Gang on Facebook.
I'd love to have some guest hosts for Presto Pasta Nights, so if you're interested you can email me at . I'm still working on the logistics, but I'd love to start later this month.
And, of course, a very big thank you to all of you for playing along and visiting every week!!! I can always count on you to make it special.
Pasta is a staple around our house, and I always enjoy these round-ups and the creative dishes! (Yes, I'm a perpetual lurker.)
What a wonderful group of recipes and great pictures to accompany. I've linked to you today so my readers can find something to eat! LOL.
Andrea, glad you enjoy the roundups. Drop by any time. I lurk around your house too ;-)
Feather... glad you like them. I visited you and thought provoking. Didn't see a link to Once Upon a Feast though, must have been too focused on the other cool stuff.
So many yummy pastas this week! We may be eating pasta for the next five days straight. :) The toasted gnocchi looks especially interesting, we're big edamame fans.
I'd be interested in guest hosting if you're still taking volunteers.
Thanks again for doing this Ruth..It was obviously penne week this week! LOL!
Totally drool-able dishes! Thanks for another great roundup - thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks for my inclusion, too.
foodietots, I'd love to have you as a guest host. And believe it or not, I'm putting the schedule together this weekend...stay tuned for the email.
Marye - it is funny how there often is a common pasta used.
Kitchenetta - always a pleasure having you and your food!
I know what you mean about being hungry and it's only 9:00 in the morning... But I can eat pasta any time, any place!
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