Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall Market Score

Yesterday started early and didn't stop until dinner so none of my usual Market Score photos.  I went to two farmers markets, starting off with the Historic Brewery Market or as we all call it ... the Old Market and bought humungous garlic and giant spears of rosemary... not as easy to come by as you think.   Stopped by my favorite "lamb guy" in Halifax - Bill of Wood 'n Hart Farms and got not only some delicious lamb sausages that will be part of a pasta dish this week, and some lamb stewing meat for.... not sure, but it will be delicious, whatever I decide.

 I also got some wonderful eggs that made the delicious scramble (along with some of the chopped rosemary leaves) which is what we enjoyed for breakfast this morning - Potato Pancetta & Rosemary Scramble.

Onward to the Seaport Farmers Market (how lucky am I to have two superb farmers markets) where I knew I'd be heading over to The Fish Shop at Pier 20 (open all week) for some scallops to skewer on those glorious rosemary sprigs... at $1 each for the rosemary you know I'd have to put something wonderful on them.  Grilled Scallop Rosemary Skewers... nothing could be simpler or easier to fix... a quick 15 minutes (just long enough to heat up the BBQ) to marinate in some lemon juice, chopped rosemary, garlic...and you're ready to rock and roll.

More delicious things from various farmers - beets and new potatoes (with more garlic and rosemary) rounded out dinner - Rosemary Potato & Beet Rosti.   Another simple dish, thanks to a food processor and everything ready at the same time with minimal cleanup - double bonus!

Lots more purchases, including some awesome looking beef short ribs, that Graeme of Getaway Farm (also open all week) cut to the thickness I wanted (this time about 1 1/2 inches thick to make some sort of fantastic beef stew... Fall is coming even if the temperature seems like summer today.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying a diner style breakfast with kids and grandkids, more fun all afternoon with little boys. Rain outside didn't stop us from enjoying each other.

But the real purpose of writing this diary style entry is to spark you to enjoy local food, family and friends.  What's your favorite way to spend the weekend?  I hope it includes lots of the above.


Anonymous said...

All your recipes sound delicious!!
Dee Blaine

Ruth Daniels said...

Thanks! So glad you like them.

Joanne said...

With all that rosemary, I can definitely smell fall in the air!