Last night our in-laws invited us to a lobster dinner, Nova Scotia-style. The in-laws, in-laws are in from the Barbados, getting their kids set up for university, so that meant twenty plus for dinner. And because lobster is a messy thing to eat...we had ours on the lovely patio. Notice the "table cloth" ....newspapers so we can just throw the empty shells on the table and at the end of the meal, you just wrap it all up and ...voila, the easiest clean up ever.
Community lobster dinners are common here in the Maritimes. One particularly Nova Scotian way to eat lobster is to serve it cold with plenty of potato salad, and coleslaw. In fact ours were purchased live and then cooked for us right at the dockside. Then again, imagine the size of the pot you'd need for twenty lobsters. I'll be writing all about it (with a video!) soon for Foodtv ...here's the one I shared last year at the Pictou County Lobster Carnival. So you'll have to wait for the full story.
This morning, before heading out to a beach somewhere close, we had a luscious frittata....the best thing to make on a leisurely Sunday morning. This one had some of the roasted new potatoes I whipped up during the week...before the three day migraine. I also used my newest market find last weekend...lamb pepperoni. My intention was to make a pizza with homemade pizza dough from a new cookbook and mushrooms also from the market.
SIGH...none of that happened, but the frittata was perfect. There are lots of frittata options here...no time now for writing recipes....bottom line...put your favorite things together, start it on top of the stove and end in the oven.
Yesterday I missed mentioning the Eastern Canadian Eat Local Challenge. That of course, didn't stop me from eating local....I do it as much as possible. So...lobster from lobster men who docked in the Bedford Basin (end of the Halifax Harbour), potatoes, mushrooms, lamb pepperoni, and eggs all from the Annapolis Valley.
How "local" has your weekend been? Signing off for now...go and enjoy your last long weekend for a while.
how lovely ruth, and what a great idea with the recyclable table-cloth!
Now that's a feast to behold Ruth. It has been yeasr since I've had the opprtunity to have a delicious Atlantic lobster:D
Mmmm...Lobster. I am so jealous :)
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