Finally, the gang left and the Beef Shank & Sausage Ragu, borrowed from May's Bon Appetit
You still have time to send your own delicious pasta to Hillary of Chew on That. It's her second time hosting and I'm sure she'll do an equally splendid job this time around.
Send all your entries to her at chewonthatblog(at) gmail (dot) com with a cc to me: ruth (at) 4everykitchen (dot) com.
Guidelines for submitting a dish. And if you're interested in hosting - everyone loves it! ...just drop me a line.
Oh yes, I know the ragu. Steve really wants me to make that one.
I have a pasta dish lined up but it ended up either being the menu for tonight or tomorrow so I'll submit for next week's. Kind of a shame since I do so love Hillary, but other meals came first this week.
Have a lovely evening with family!
That does sound like a sensational dish.
Love the way this ragu looks - I would have scooped up the magazine if that is on the cover (I just haven't seen it in the stores...) Bookmarking this one.
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