Liberal Foodie is back this time with a lovely Summer Gnocchi. It's 28 degrees C here so it really is like summer and what a perfect dish to celebrate! Well it was 28 degrees a few days ago!

And, first-timer Francois from FX's Kitchen Adventures brings us a stunning Broccoli Pasta from Sicily with lots of fabulous photos. It was hard to choose just one to show off this dish.

Shirley of Melting Wok is another first time PPNer and she shares this lip-smacking dish of Spaghetti Stir Fry with Portobello Mushrooms & Steak. A hearty, comfort food if ever there was one.

Gattina of Kitchen Unplugged is back with the most festive looking dish yet! It's a two-tone lasagnette with dried scallops, cannelli beans and water chestnuts. I love how inventive she always is.

Another regular PPNer is Sher of What Did You Eat? and she cooked up the cutest Gemelli with Sweet Sausage and Spinach. I love the curly pasta and her great story really brought me back to my childhood. I, too, didn't know there was actually a real variety of pasta until I got married and had my own kitchen.

How cool is this....the next email I got was from Tigerfish over at Teczcape (another awesome PPNer). She made Rotini with Spicy Sausage and Spinach. So now we have bigger twisty noodles and spicier sausages....I love them both!

Lis of La Mia Cucina, one of my favorite blogs is back with this wonderful dish of Pasta Shells with Tuna, Spinach, Hearts of Palm & Grape Tomatoes. Doesn't it look great and perfect for Spring?!

Sara of La Cucina di San Lorenzo is a first timer at PPN. Welcome!!! She makes pasta often, so I really hope she'll shares many more of her dishes with us. Ths Orecchietti with Broccoli looks awesome!!!
Ulrike of Kuchenlatein is back - always a treat. This time she shares a Beany Pasta Pot that was a real hit with her sons. I love the idea of frying up an apple with the beans.

Judith of Think On It is here again and this time shares a funny story about her friend who said he'd cook dinner and then not only forgot to shop, he also forgot about the cooking offer! So here's her "presto pasta" that's so presto, it's scary - Onions, Bacon, Tomato & Cheese.

Deborah over at Humble Housewife, loves things spicy, but even she got carried away this time, so be careful when making this Hot Hot, Oh so Hot Singapore Noodle dish.

Mary, the wonderful Breadchick, continues to amaze me with her microwave cooking. This time around she makes this stunning Tomato with Basil & Cilantro Pasta. Who'd believe it was concocted to use up the leftovers in her fridge!
Haalo at Cook Almost Anything is back - so glad to see - with this delightful bowl of Vegetable Soup with Orzo. I love how Springy the peas make the dish look and how comforting it will be for the fog that just rolled in here in Halifax. So much for the summer-like weather of the last few days.
Chris of Melecotte is back with these delicious looking (and I'm sure tasting) homemade Ravioli with Ricotta, Sage and Sundried Tomatoes. Aren't they just the prettiest things?!
Last up is my entry has tuna..actually, my only dealing with tuna up to now has been in a sandwich and (a very long time ago) in a casserole . The tuna casserole was one of the few dishes I knew how to make back in the '70's. But this dish is so good that it will definitely grace our table often. It's just a simple dish of pasta with Tuna, Anchovies, Eggplant and Parsley (with lots of garlic, naturally).
Somehow I never got Lorraine of Italian Foodies (sometimes modern technology is not all it claims to be). She sent this fabulous recipe for Penne Con Tonno e Limone. Wow, that makes three tuna recipes this time around and all of them different and equally wonderful.
I will be adding late additions to this week's Presto Pasta Night until Saturday. Any I receive after that will be part of next week's PPN Event. So don't forget to join the fun with the rest of us Presto Pasta Nighters. It's easy and fun. Remember that ALL noodles dishes count as pasta and "presto" or "lento" (I think that means slow) are perfect.
Find out how right here. In the meantime...Happy Pasta Eating!!!
Food and Drink easy cooking pasta Food Blogging Event Presto Pasta Night
My goodness! Pasta is my easy supper night and now I have about 30 to choose from! I love pasta so much and it is sooo versatile! Great round up and hope to take part next month!
Ruth, thanks so much for coming up with this fun event. I had grown so tired of pasta that I hadn't really fixed it in quite some time. Now I find myself thinking what can I make with pasta THIS week... Great round-up
I love this roundup. Actually, I love them all. ;-)
What a fabulous round-up!
It's been a while since I last made some are getting the little grey cells working....
Ruth, thanks again for having me and putting this together :)Love to see all the lovely staple foods I adore in a weekly round up like this. Have a great weekend, and Happy Mother's Day, cheers !:)
Ladies, I'm so glad everyone is having as much fun as I am with Presto Pasta Night.
Keep on coming back with more of your fab recipes. Afterall we've got to start planning for PPN #12!
I also see our PPN-ers start to make more "lighter" pasta due to the warmer weather :) :) Ruth, the round-up is wonderful!
Hi Ruth. I sent you an email last week with a submission. I don't know if it went through! I'm not very good with the tecchie side!!
Lorraine, somehow I did not get your email (sometimes people leave out the "4" and so I don't get it.
But with some detective work, I found your site (lovely) and the post (Yay!) so I've added it to the roundup - now there are 3 tuna recipes - all different, all delicious.
Hi Ruth, thanks for doing the roundup and posting the pictures :) I am sure I will be coming back here for more pasta delights!
My site went down Friday and all the techs have apparently gone home to mom, in hopes of a loan, probably. It should be up maybe tomorrow-- Monday.
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