Thursday, May 10, 2007

Spaghetti al Tonno for Presto Pasta Night

Somehow saying Spaghetti al Tonno sounds so much more romantic than Spaghetti with Tuna fish, but...a rose by any name..... and Joyce Goldstein's version in Cucina Ebraica, Flavors of the Italian Jewish Kitchen (my newest favorite cookbook) is wonderful. Naturally I couldn't leave well enough alone though, and had to add a few of my own these pretty baby eggplants I bought at Pete's Frootique yesterday.

I would have added some Kalamata olives as well, if I had been smart enough to buy some yesterday...Oh well, next time.

This was such an easy dish to prepare for Presto Pasta Night and using multigrain spaghetti also makes it perfect for South Beach Dieting. So without further ado.....


Spaghetti al Tonno (Make that Tuna Sauce)

Now, enough about me....what are you going to make for dinner? I hope it's pasta and I hope you plan on sharing with the rest of us Presto Pasta Nighters. It's easy and fun. Remember that ALL noodles dishes count as pasta and "presto" or "lento" (I think that means slow) are perfect.

Find out how right here. In the meantime...Happy Pasta Eating!!!

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Anonymous said...

That's sounds good, I just finished my entry

Anonymous said...

Well, since I'm nutty about tuna on pasta-this sounds very romantic to me!!! Love it!