Thursday, August 9, 2007

Moving Day and Where's the Pasta?

The big day has finally arrived and all our "stuff" is here. Can you find my kitchen?'s behind all those boxes. It's all very exciting and challenging at the same time. I promise this will be the last whining about my place for food being a big concern. I obviously will have to live a more European lifestyle - shopping for meals on a daily basis. Of course I did some of that in Toronto. Fresh produce, meat, fish were within a short walk and the same is true in my new neighbourhood...even better actually - Julian's is the most awesome bakery and it's a block away. There's a fantastic Lebanese "convenience" store on the corner. I use the term convenience in a whole new light.

Toulany's Lunchbox has the most awesome take out. Check out the fatier - a turnover filled with either garlicy chicken (my favorite), beef with tomatoes and pine nuts, or spinach (they're up next). Manoush, a baked Middle Eastern dough topped with seasoning, Fattoush, Tabbouleh, Mejadra or the standard (and delicious) pita sandwiches filled with falafel or lots of other options. All the above are perfect since I can't find a pot or a pan yet to do my own cooking.

Tonight's dinner will be a pasta for Presto Pasta Nights. At least it will be if I can actually find something to cook in. Don't forget your entry. I'll be posting the roundup tomorrow.

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