So the traditional Friday night dinner with the family - chicken soup and roasted something with at least 3 other dishes plus a variety of fancy desserts are kept for very special occasions in my house. Couple that with beautiful weather here we've been having here in Toronto (it’s very much sunshine and spring-in-bloom around here) and I decided that it’s time to think quick, easy and colorful for dinner. This, because I’m already thinking ahead to summer, eager for sandals and brightly colored sundresses to replace the cozy (and usually black) sweaters of winter – I bore easily.
BBQ'd Asparagus
I love asparagus and now that it’s accessible here even in the dead of winter, we eat it often. But nothing says “spring” to me more than when the locally grown springtime variety pops up everywhere. The flavor seems richer and the color more vibrant. It tells me winter is finally over and local feasting is about to begin.
Kevin at Seriously Good is having a month-long asparagus event, so you can check out another million ways to prepare asparagus, but I bet you won’t find any that are easier to do than this BBQ’d version. It takes 5 minutes, tastes great and looks stunning.
Cedar Planked Salmon on the BBQ
One of my favorite fishes to serve (especially since my Honey hates to deal with bones) is salmon. I love it baked, and poached, or marinated, but I love it best simply grilled on the BBQ, especially when I “smoke” it on a cedar plank.
Quinoa Tabbouleh
Nothing says “summer” to me more than interesting salads (I told you I always like rushing the seasons – by early August, I’m impatient for colder weather and slow cooked soups and stews). So I decided to use my new favorite grain – quinoa to make this flavorful minty version of tabbouleh. Many years ago I had a Lebanese neighbor who made the best tabbouleh I ever tasted. Her secret – tons of mint with a little parsley and lots of lemon juice.
Chickpea Couscous Salad
Being on the South Beach Diet
Blueberry Mint Granita
When flipping through my latest edition of Delicious magazine – one of my favorites, I found a beautiful blueberry mint granita. Just try to tell me it doesn’t say “summer” to you! I even was able to make it very South Beach Diet
We had a great Friday night dinner even though it wasn't terribly traditional and what's more, there were lots of great herbs involved so I get to submit to another great Weekend Herb Blogging event over at Kalyn's Kitchen.
So, just to recap (and don’t forget to follow the links for the recipes) here’s a wonderfulSpring into Summer Menu
Cedar Planked Salmon on the BBQ
BBQ’d Asparagus
Quinoa Tabbouleh
Chickpea & Couscous Salad
Blueberry Mint Granita
Cedar Planked Salmon on the BBQ
BBQ’d Asparagus
Quinoa Tabbouleh
Chickpea & Couscous Salad
Blueberry Mint Granita
Related links: Food and Drink recipes South Beach Diet Low Carb Diet weekend herb blogging
The Friday night dinner was great. The pictures are good but they dont tell the whole story!
All this food sounds just wonderful.
Wow, I'm blown away by that menu. I agree with everything you said. That salmon was to die for. :):):)
ruth nice to see your post
you cook such a lot i really appreciate the way you love to cook and feed
This menu looks very appetizing and fresh; exactly what I like!...
Hi Ruth,
All those dishes... the asparagus definitely spells out spring, doesn't it? I have posted asparagus & cheese tart - it's the season indeed!
Hope your low-carb diet is doing well and that your book is near completion.
I'm so sorry for having deleted your comment on my new site - you commented on a test page and it got deleted when i got rid of the test page. ooops!
That's a delicious menu.How's your book faring,Ruth?
I'm so overwhelmed by all your great looking food. I want one of each, please!
Everyone - thanks so much for all the positive comments.
Mae, the diet is going okay - I'll be writing more about it next week. Somehow, though I'm still holding at 12 pound loss, which isn't bad, but I'd like to lose more. - I know - eat less, move more.
Mae & Sailu,
The book is coming along as well. I've finished all but 3 recipes (I want to only do 1 a week as these really aren't South Beach friendly). Still waiting for many of my volunteer testers to send back feedback. What I've been getting so far has been great. And if there's anyone out there reading this and thinking they'd like to help me out, there are still lots of recipes to test. I'm working on the index which is a royal pain, but necessary. So it's all coming together. Thanks for asking.
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